September 2002



Published three times annually by the Mass Communication Division of NCA

Editor:  Glenda R. Balas, University of New Mexico (


Newsletter Contents:

            Note from the Chair

            Division Business Meeting Information

            Mass Communication Division Conference Panels

            Research Committee Chair Report

            Call for Nominations for Officers

            Call for Papers–NCA 2003

            Call for Nominations for Teaching and Service Awards

            News of Members

            Call for Papers: Explorations in Media Ecology

            Job Posting: University of Delaware

            Job Posting: University of New Mexico

            MCD Web Page                   

Newsletter Deadline         



A Note from the Chair


Dear Mass Communication Division members:


Greetings!  I hope your new semester is off to a good start.  The Division officers have been hard at work to organize this year’s convention programs and events.  I would like to thank the Vice Chair, Elizabeth M. Perse (University of Delaware), and the Research Chair, Mehdi Semati (Eastern Illinois University), for their commitment and dedication to put forth a great program for 2002 NCA Convention.   As you are planning your convention activities, please be sure that you attend those fine programs sponsored by the Division.  Most importantly, please plan on attending the Mass Communication Business Meeting, 12:30-1:45 pm, Saturday, November 23, at Pontchartrain D, Third Floor, Sheraton.  The Division Reception follows right after the Business Meeting at the same place, from 2:00-3:15 pm.  Your support for and participation in the Division events are essential to the success of the Division, and are greatly appreciated.  Thank you.



Shing-Ling Sarina Chen

Chair, Mass Communication Division, NCA

Dept. of Communication Studies

Univ. of Northern Iowa



Division Business Meeting Information


Mark your calendars for the Mass Communication Division meeting. It will be held on Saturday, November 23, from 12:30-1:45 p.m. in Pontchartrain D, Third Floor, Sheraton. Immediately following the meeting, stay for a reception to meet new members, to network with colleagues, and to greet old friends. The reception will also be in Pontchartrain D, Third Floor, of the Sheraton, from 2:00-3:15 p.m.



Mass Communication Division Conference Panels


This year’s program offers 18 panels that focus on a variety of perspective and topics.  We are fortunate to have so many members participating this year. And, we welcome our graduate student presenters, many of whom are showcased in a special panel highlighting graduate student papers.  All panels meet in Pontchartrain D, Third Floor, Sheraton. 


Thursday, November 21


The Vampire Slayer, The Sexy Lawyer, The Rock and The Funny Man: Performing Gender on the Small Screen, 8:00-9:15 a.m.


International Perspectives on Women and the Media, 9:30-10:45 a.m.


Non-fiction Television: Critical Approaches and the Market(ing) of "Reality," 11:00-12:15 p.m.


Media, Muscles, and Masculinity in Action, 12:30-1:45 p.m.


Structural Equation Modeling in Mass Communication, 2:00-3:15 p.m.


Competitive Papers in the Social Dimensions of the Media, 3:30-4:45 p.m.


Friday, November 22


Competitive Papers in Media Production and Consumption, 8:00-9:15 a.m.


Competitive Papers in Media and the Political Process, 9:30-10:45 a.m.


Competitive Papers in the Cultural Production of Identities and the Social Space, 12:30-1:45 p.m.



Competitive Papers in the Study of Primetime Television, 2:00-3:15 p.m.


Showcasing Graduate Student Scholarship, 3:30-4:45 p.m.


Competitive Papers in Race, Ethnicity, and the Media, 5:00-6:15 p.m.


Saturday, November 23


Competitive Papers in Youth and the Media, 8:00-9:15 a.m.


Competitive Papers in Media Analysis: From the Individual to the Socio-political,  9:30-10:45 a.m.


Competitive Papers in Media and Violence, 3:30-4:45 p.m.


Sunday, November 24


Vicarious Experience: Victims in the Media, 8:00-9:15 a.m.


Mediated Intimacy: Communication in (Parasocial Inter)action, 9:30-10:45 a.m.


A Multi-method Exploration of the Persuasion Used in Crossing Over with John Edward, 11:00-12:15 p.m.



Research Committee Chair Report


Summary of Results:  Mass Communication Division Paper Review 2002


The division received a total of 60 competitive paper submissions. The summary of results is the following table.


Number of Papers submitted                        60

Number of Papers Accepted                        40

Average Score Across All Papers                  5.98 (0=Lowest; 10=Highest)

Average Score Across Accepted papers             6.92

Average Score of Top 3 Papers                    8.30


Ten programs were created and proposed from the accepted papers, and NCA accepted all of the proposed programs for presentation in New Orleans.  These programs reflect a wide variety of theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches to mass communication research.  Student participation was very impressive this year: 43% of papers submitted were (co)authored by students. Congratulations to them and to all of our presenters!


I thank all of the people who volunteered to serve as reviewers for the competitive papers this year. In alphabetical order, they are:


Charles Aust, Robert Avery, Cristina Azocar, Jane Banks, Lisa Barry, Geoffrey Baym, Joe Blaney, Derek Buescher, Rebecca Chory-Assad, Robin Crabtree, Bethami Dobkin, Mark Goodman, Paul Haridakis, Kristen Harrison, Cynthia Hoffner, Cary Horvath, Sriram Kalyanaraman, Barbara Kaye, Cynthia King, Rebecca Lind, Dana Mastro, Sharon Mazzarella, Matt McAllister, Norm Medoff, Robert Mendenhall, Shane Miller, Peter Miraldi,

Norbert Mundorf, Mary Beth Oliver, Ron Ostman, Zizi Papachariss, Betsy Perse

Narissra Punyanunt, Tom Reichert, Robin Riley, David Roskos-Ewoldsen, Kyra Rothenberg, Michelle Seelig, Radhika Seth, Karen Smith, Mary Step, Jennifer Stromer-Galley, Judith Thorpe, Stan Tickton, James Walker, Emmett Winn.


We were very lucky to have such a large group of people who agreed to review papers -- it served to distribute the workload, and it also allowed for each submitted paper to receive reviews from three separate readers. Thanks to everyone for their careful reviews, and particularly

to those readers who provided extensive feedback and suggestions for revision and improvement. It is because of the hard work of our members that we continue to thrive as a division. Thank you again.


Mehdi Semati, Chair

Mass Communication Division Research Committee



Call for Nominations for Officers


The Mass Communication Division Nominations Committee is seeking nominations and self nominations for division officer positions for 2002-2003. Nominations are sought for the following offices: 


Vice Chair Elect


Research Committee

Nominations Committee

Publications Committee

Web Wizard

Graduate Student Representative

Representative to NCA Resolutions Committee


If you or someone you know is interesting in serving, please contact Zizi A. Papacharissi, Temple University (


Descriptions of all positions follow:


Vice-Chair Elect:
The year that a person is elected to vice-chair elect, that person will be responsible for overseeing the announcements of the teaching/service awards, and for selecting the award winner (with help from other members of committee). The following fall, when the person assumes that position of vice-chair, this position entails going to the program planning meeting at NCA, distributing the call for papers at the business meeting, and making sure that the call for papers is given to the program planners. As vice-chair, the person assumes the responsibility of program planner for the division, oversees the judging of panel submissions, and, with the aid of the chair of the research committee, arranges panels and competitive papers into sessions that are submitted to the NCA program planners for consideration. The responsibilities involved in this position are heaviest immediately after the convention, in February and March when division members submit papers and proposals, and during the convention itself when planning meetings occur.

The secretary assumes responsibility for creating and maintaining a record of communication and events at the business meeting during our annual convention. The secretary's position spans two years. The first year the secretary takes notes during the meeting, following the format set in previous years. Election results will occur simultaneously during regular business. Those notes should be organized and put into a word process file as soon as possible after the meeting and distributed to the vice chair and secretary for review. After any corrections, a permanent version of the notes can be sent to other officers and printed for inclusion in the archive. The second year the secretary is responsible for distributing the notes to meeting attendees and presenting the notes formally at the beginning of the business meeting.

Research Committee:
The person who is elected as a member of the Research Committee will stay on the committee for three years. The first year as a member of the Research Committee, the second year as the Chair-Elect, and the third as the Chair of the Research Committee. The responsibilities of the first two years on the Committee are mainly to assist the work of the Chair, and to be determined by the Chair. The third year as the Chair of the Committee, the person will coordinate convention paper reviews for the Division, and program competitive paper sessions based on the results of the reviews.

Nominations Committee: (5 people elected, including Chair)
The Chair of the Nominating Committee solicits self and other nominations for various MCD positions from members of the Mass Communication Division and from members of the Nominating Committee. It is wise to solicit and receive such nominations by the end of the summer prior to the NCA annual meeting. In consultation with members of the Nominating Committee, the Chair seeks and receives input about the nominees and finalizes a slate of
candidates for each position. With the assistance of Committee members, the Nominating Committee Chair conducts the elections during the Mass Communication Division's Business Meeting at the NCA Annual Convention.

Publications Committee:
The job of the Publicity officer is to serve as a conduit of information among NCA Mass Communication Division members and does the following three things: 1) Maintain the email list by updating it periodically (i.e., there is constant churn in the list as new members join, some addresses change, and others drop out, etc.), 2) Writing and dispersing one post-convention and one pre-convention newsletter, and 3) Writing and dispersing via e-mail four e-newsletters (e.g., in March, May, October, November). Maintaining a e-mailing list can be time consuming, as can editing and producing newsletters. But, the position is enjoyable and is an important professional service. Many members of the Mass Communication Division rely heavily on the newsletter, especially the electronic newsletter, for relevant information about research, career, and the profession.

Web Wizard:
The individual in this position maintains the web site for the division, updating the site with newsletters, names and officers, and contact information. At present, the person who occupies this position is responsible for housing the web site on a server at his/her university.

Graduate Student Representative:
This person serves as a "voice" representing graduate student interests in the division, relaying issues of interest and concern to officers within the division.

Representative to NCA Resolutions Committee:

This person represents the Mass Comm Division at NCA executive meetings if any resolutions are presented to the association.



Call for Papers–NCA 2003


The Division invites competitive papers and thematic panel proposals for program sessions addressing theory, research, or methodological issues in mass communication.


Send Completed Paper Submissions to:


Douglas Ferguson, College of Charleston, Department of Communication, 5 College Way
Charleston, SC  29401; 843 953-7854 (o);


Copies: 5


Submission method: Traditional


Deadline: February 1, 2003


Specify student papers: yes


Specify debut papers: no


Maximum length: 25 pages (excluding tables and references)


The Division Research Committee will evaluate papers anonymously and those selected will be critiqued by a respondent.  Paper length is limited to 25 pages excluding tables and references, double-spaced. Longer papers will not be considered. Paper submissions must include the following: (1) a title page showing author(s) name(s), complete mailing address, telephone number, email address, and any A/V requirements; (2) a separate 100-150 word abstract. Student papers (whose author(s) must all be students) should be prominently marked “Student” on the title page, the abstract page, and the first page of the text. Please note that identifying information should be included only on the title page. Fax and email submissions cannot be accepted.  A/V requests must be made at the time of submission; we regret that late requests cannot be accommodated. 


Send Thematic Panel Submissions to:


James R. Walker, Department of Communication, Saint Xavier University, 3700 W. 103rd St., Chicago, IL, 60655, 773-298-3370 (o);


Copies: 5


Deadline: February 1, 2003


Specify student papers: yes


Specify debut papers: no


Proposals for thematic panels must include the following: (1) a title page showing the name, address, telephone number and email address for the chair/respondent, and all panel participants, and any A/V requirements; (2) brief abstract of the proposed program; (3) a brief agreement to attend. Fax and email submissions cannot be accepted.  A/V requests must be made at the time of submission; we regret that late requests cannot be accommodated. 



NCA's Mass Communication Division Invites Nominations for

Teaching and Service Awards


The MCD Teaching Award is designed to recognize excellence in teaching, using the term "teacher" in a broad sense. In order to be considered, the nominee must be a member of NCA and MCD, have taught for over ten years, and have been recognized for their teaching excellence by their department, unit, college/university, or other group or association. This includes, but is not limited to, awards, merit evaluations, student recognition, etc. Self-nomination is encouraged in addition to nominations by others. The nomination packet may not exceed 25 pages and should include (1) a single, detailed letter of nomination addressing the qualifications of the nominee; (2) the teacher's curriculum vitae; (3) three letters of recommendation; and (4) representative publications or presentations dealing with teaching and/or curriculum, course outlines/syllabuses, innovative teaching ideas or tools, teaching evaluations and citations, evidence of mentoring and/or advising, or other forms of recognition pertaining to the nominee.


The MCD Service Award is designed to recognize exemplary service in the field. In order to be considered, the nominee must be a member of NCA and MCD, have served the NCA and MCD in a number of capacities, and have evidence of exemplary service to several of the following: NCA, MCD, the profession, the community, the department, the college or university. The nomination packet may not exceed 25 pages and should include (1) a single detailed letter of nomination addressing the qualifications of the nominee; (2) a curriculum vitae; (3) three letters of recommendation; and (4) evidence of service.


Send five copies of the packet to James R. Walker, Department of Communication, Saint Xavier University, 3700 West 103rd Street, Chicago, IL 60655. Faxed or electronic submissions will not be accepted.


Nominations should be received by May 15, 2003. Over the summer, an award committee will discuss the nominations. The award committee will consist of the immediate past chair, chair, vice-chair, vice-chair elect and secretary of the MCD. The final decision will be made by August 15. The award recipient will be contacted and asked to attend the MCD Business Meeting during the NCA annual convention to receive the award. The MCD reserves the right to not give any awards.



News of Members


Chrys Egan has recently joined the Communication faculty at Salisbury University as an Assistant Professor.  She has also completed four auxiliary books, which will be published in this fall.  They include the following: (1) Instructor's Manual for Communication Research by Stacks and Hocking (Longman/Allyn & Bacon); (2) Student Workbook for The St. Martin's Guide to Public Speaking by Tuman and Fraleigh (Bedford/St. Martin's); (3) Instructor's Manual for The St. Martin's Guide; and (4) Test Bank for The St. Martin's Guide.



University Worksite Organ Donation Promotion Project

Submitted by Tom Reichert, Co-Investigator, University of Alabama


A 3-year $1,467,771 grant was recently awarded by the Division of Transplantation, an agency that is part of the US Department of Health and Human Services. The University Worksite Organ Donation Promotion Project involves six universities and is grounded in a theory based on the Theory of Reasoned Action. One level of the campaign will use only traditional mass media (University of Alabama/University of Arizona), while the second level will enhance the mass media messages with an interpersonal campaign.


The Principal Investigator is Susan Morgan of the Department of Communication at Rutgers University. The co-investigators on this project are Mike Stephenson (Texas A&M), Tom Reichert (University of Alabama), Eusebio Alvaro (University of Arizona), Walid Afifi (Penn State University), and Shawn Long (University of North Carolina Charlotte).



Dane S. Claussen, Associate Professor and Associate Director of the Graduate Program in Journalism and Mass Communication at Point Park College, has recently published three books.  They include Sex, Religion, Media (Rowman and Littlefield Publishing, Inc.), Anti-intellectualism in the American Media: Magazines and Higher Education (Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.), and Managing for Excellence at Community Newspapers (Iowa State Press).  He is currently working on a new book that focuses on newspaper marketing, promotions, and public relations practices from 1920 to 1970. 



Call for papers

EME: Explorations in Media Ecology


Explorations in Media Ecology, the journal of the Media Ecology Association, is dedicated to extending our understanding of media and media environments. EME publishes articles, essays, research reports, reviews, and proves that advance and contribute to the media ecology perspective. In addition to the study of the media as they are traditionally understood, media ecology is concerned with the examination of communication, language, symbolic form and signification, technology and technique, information, systems, and both humanly modified and natural environments.


EME welcomes diverse theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of media environments, including (but not limited to) philosophical, aesthetic, literary, historical, psychological, sociological, anthropological, political, economic, and scientific investigations, as well as applied, professional and pedagogical perspectives. In addition to scholarly articles, EME also publishes essays, commentary, and critical examinations relevant to media ecology as a field of study and practice. Above all the journal is committed to publishing articles of the highest intellectual quality for a global readership.


Submission of manuscripts: Four copies of the submitted manuscript should be sent to either of the co-editors: Judith Yaross Lee, School of Interpersonal Communication, Lasher Hall, Ohio University, Athens, OH 45701 (, or Lance Strate, Department of Communication and Media Studies, Fordham University, Bronx, NY 10458 ( Authors should retain their original manuscripts, as submissions will not be returned. All submissions should be the author’s original work, previously unpublished, and not under consideration by another publisher. Manuscripts must conform to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed., 2001) or the MLA Style Manual (2nd ed., 1998). Authors of accepted manuscripts must provide a final version in both paper and electronic formats. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reprint copyrighted material such as images, tables, figures, and quotations exceeding fair use.


To facilitate blind review, the first page of the manuscript should include only the article title and an abstract of no more than 100 words. A separate, detachable cover page should be provided that includes the title of the article, the complete name of each author as it is to appear in the journal; the current and complete mailing address, telephone, fax, and e-mail address of the author.


EME welcomes submissions focusing on teaching strategies and resources, pedagogical concerns, and issues relating to media ecology education. Such submissions should be sent to EME Teaching and Education Editor Sal Fallica, Department of Culture and Communication, New York University, 239 Greene ST., Suite 735, New York, NY 10003 (


EME publishes reviews of books and other materials of interest to EME’s readers. Potential reviewers should contact EME Review Editor Thom Gencarelli, Department of Broadcasting, Montclair State University, Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 (


Submission of materials for review: Those seeking a review of books and other materials of interest to EME’s readers – such as audio and video recordings, computer software, and so on – should send copies of all materials, and/or all correspondence to EME Review Editor Thom Gencarelli, Department of Broadcasting, Montclair State University, Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 ( Publishers will receive two copies of the review after it is published. EME may be unable to review all materials submitted.


****************************************************************************** Job Posting

Department of Communication, University of Delaware


Communication: The University of Delaware is seeking an Assistant Professor in mass communication.  Tenure track position to begin September 2003.  Qualifications include completed doctorate, strong training and background in quantitative research methods,

social/behavioral science orientation, and evidence of the ability to develop programmatic line of scholarly research.  Ability to teach courses in advertising is desirable.  Salary is negotiable and

competitive.  Deadline, November 1, 2002.  Send curriculum vita and letter of application to Nancy Signorielli, Chair, Search Committee, Department of Communication, 250 Pearson Hall, Newark, DE 19716 (e-mail:  Applicants should forward credentials and a minimum of three letters of recommendation to the Department. The University of

Delaware is an Equal Opportunity Employer, which encourages applications from minority groups and women.



Job Posting

Department of Communication and Journalism

University of New Mexico


The Department of Communication and Journalism at the University of New Mexico invites applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor.  Minimum Qualifications:  Ph.D. or ABD at appointment of start date.  A Master's degree coupled with substantial professional experience [minimum 8 years] will also be considered).  Preference will be given to applicants with the following qualifications:  (1) ability to teach beginning and advanced courses in the area of print journalism; (2) ability to conduct research and publish in scholarly and/or professional journals; (6) ability and desire to mentor students in a variety of writing contexts; (4) interest and experience related to new communication technologies; (5) professional experience; (6) participation in professional communication associations.


A complete application consists of: (1) a signed letter of interest identifying areas of expertise, research interests, and teaching experience; (2) an academic resume, including e-mail address; (3) samples of scholarly and/or professional/creative work; (4) evidence of teaching effectiveness; and (5) three letters from academic and/or professional references.


Send applications to Bob Gassaway, Search Committee Chair, Department of Communication and Journalism, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-1171; Fax (505) 277-4206. Applications must be received by November 11, 2002. Please visit our Departmental Web Site:


The University of New Mexico is an EEO/AA employer and educator.



Mass Communication Division Website


Jeff Shires writes to remind members of the MCD website.  It is in need of links, bibliographies, papers, research announcements, job announcements, and other helpful material.  Send to Jeff at 


The Website Address:



Don’t Forget!  Deadline for Next Newsletter…


Please send news of interest and importance to MCD members to Publications Editor, Glenda Balas, University of New Mexico (  Deadline for the pre-conference newsletter is October 12, 2002.

















September 2002



Published three times annually by the Mass Communication Division of NCA

Editor:  Glenda R. Balas, University of New Mexico (


Newsletter Contents:

            Note from the Chair

            Division Business Meeting Information

            Mass Communication Division Conference Panels

            Research Committee Chair Report

            Call for Nominations for Officers

            Call for Papers–NCA 2003

            Call for Nominations for Teaching and Service Awards

            News of Members

            Call for Papers: Explorations in Media Ecology

            Job Posting: University of Delaware

            Job Posting: University of New Mexico

            MCD Web Page                   

Newsletter Deadline         



A Note from the Chair


Dear Mass Communication Division members:


Greetings!  I hope your new semester is off to a good start.  The Division officers have been hard at work to organize this year’s convention programs and events.  I would like to thank the Vice Chair, Elizabeth M. Perse (University of Delaware), and the Research Chair, Mehdi Semati (Eastern Illinois University), for their commitment and dedication to put forth a great program for 2002 NCA Convention.   As you are planning your convention activities, please be sure that you attend those fine programs sponsored by the Division.  Most importantly, please plan on attending the Mass Communication Business Meeting, 12:30-1:45 pm, Saturday, November 23, at Pontchartrain D, Third Floor, Sheraton.  The Division Reception follows right after the Business Meeting at the same place, from 2:00-3:15 pm.  Your support for and participation in the Division events are essential to the success of the Division, and are greatly appreciated.  Thank you.



Shing-Ling Sarina Chen

Chair, Mass Communication Division, NCA

Dept. of Communication Studies

Univ. of Northern Iowa



Division Business Meeting Information


Mark your calendars for the Mass Communication Division meeting. It will be held on Saturday, November 23, from 12:30-1:45 p.m. in Pontchartrain D, Third Floor, Sheraton. Immediately following the meeting, stay for a reception to meet new members, to network with colleagues, and to greet old friends. The reception will also be in Pontchartrain D, Third Floor, of the Sheraton, from 2:00-3:15 p.m.



Mass Communication Division Conference Panels


This year’s program offers 18 panels that focus on a variety of perspective and topics.  We are fortunate to have so many members participating this year. And, we welcome our graduate student presenters, many of whom are showcased in a special panel highlighting graduate student papers.  All panels meet in Pontchartrain D, Third Floor, Sheraton. 


Thursday, November 21


The Vampire Slayer, The Sexy Lawyer, The Rock and The Funny Man: Performing Gender on the Small Screen, 8:00-9:15 a.m.


International Perspectives on Women and the Media, 9:30-10:45 a.m.


Non-fiction Television: Critical Approaches and the Market(ing) of "Reality," 11:00-12:15 p.m.


Media, Muscles, and Masculinity in Action, 12:30-1:45 p.m.


Structural Equation Modeling in Mass Communication, 2:00-3:15 p.m.


Competitive Papers in the Social Dimensions of the Media, 3:30-4:45 p.m.


Friday, November 22


Competitive Papers in Media Production and Consumption, 8:00-9:15 a.m.


Competitive Papers in Media and the Political Process, 9:30-10:45 a.m.


Competitive Papers in the Cultural Production of Identities and the Social Space, 12:30-1:45 p.m.



Competitive Papers in the Study of Primetime Television, 2:00-3:15 p.m.


Showcasing Graduate Student Scholarship, 3:30-4:45 p.m.


Competitive Papers in Race, Ethnicity, and the Media, 5:00-6:15 p.m.


Saturday, November 23


Competitive Papers in Youth and the Media, 8:00-9:15 a.m.


Competitive Papers in Media Analysis: From the Individual to the Socio-political,  9:30-10:45 a.m.


Competitive Papers in Media and Violence, 3:30-4:45 p.m.


Sunday, November 24


Vicarious Experience: Victims in the Media, 8:00-9:15 a.m.


Mediated Intimacy: Communication in (Parasocial Inter)action, 9:30-10:45 a.m.


A Multi-method Exploration of the Persuasion Used in Crossing Over with John Edward, 11:00-12:15 p.m.



Research Committee Chair Report


Summary of Results:  Mass Communication Division Paper Review 2002


The division received a total of 60 competitive paper submissions. The summary of results is the following table.


Number of Papers submitted                        60

Number of Papers Accepted                        40

Average Score Across All Papers                  5.98 (0=Lowest; 10=Highest)

Average Score Across Accepted papers             6.92

Average Score of Top 3 Papers                    8.30


Ten programs were created and proposed from the accepted papers, and NCA accepted all of the proposed programs for presentation in New Orleans.  These programs reflect a wide variety of theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches to mass communication research.  Student participation was very impressive this year: 43% of papers submitted were (co)authored by students. Congratulations to them and to all of our presenters!


I thank all of the people who volunteered to serve as reviewers for the competitive papers this year. In alphabetical order, they are:


Charles Aust, Robert Avery, Cristina Azocar, Jane Banks, Lisa Barry, Geoffrey Baym, Joe Blaney, Derek Buescher, Rebecca Chory-Assad, Robin Crabtree, Bethami Dobkin, Mark Goodman, Paul Haridakis, Kristen Harrison, Cynthia Hoffner, Cary Horvath, Sriram Kalyanaraman, Barbara Kaye, Cynthia King, Rebecca Lind, Dana Mastro, Sharon Mazzarella, Matt McAllister, Norm Medoff, Robert Mendenhall, Shane Miller, Peter Miraldi,

Norbert Mundorf, Mary Beth Oliver, Ron Ostman, Zizi Papachariss, Betsy Perse

Narissra Punyanunt, Tom Reichert, Robin Riley, David Roskos-Ewoldsen, Kyra Rothenberg, Michelle Seelig, Radhika Seth, Karen Smith, Mary Step, Jennifer Stromer-Galley, Judith Thorpe, Stan Tickton, James Walker, Emmett Winn.


We were very lucky to have such a large group of people who agreed to review papers -- it served to distribute the workload, and it also allowed for each submitted paper to receive reviews from three separate readers. Thanks to everyone for their careful reviews, and particularly

to those readers who provided extensive feedback and suggestions for revision and improvement. It is because of the hard work of our members that we continue to thrive as a division. Thank you again.


Mehdi Semati, Chair

Mass Communication Division Research Committee



Call for Nominations for Officers


The Mass Communication Division Nominations Committee is seeking nominations and self nominations for division officer positions for 2002-2003. Nominations are sought for the following offices: 


Vice Chair Elect


Research Committee

Nominations Committee

Publications Committee

Web Wizard

Graduate Student Representative

Representative to NCA Resolutions Committee


If you or someone you know is interesting in serving, please contact Zizi A. Papacharissi, Temple University (


Descriptions of all positions follow:


Vice-Chair Elect:
The year that a person is elected to vice-chair elect, that person will be responsible for overseeing the announcements of the teaching/service awards, and for selecting the award winner (with help from other members of committee). The following fall, when the person assumes that position of vice-chair, this position entails going to the program planning meeting at NCA, distributing the call for papers at the business meeting, and making sure that the call for papers is given to the program planners. As vice-chair, the person assumes the responsibility of program planner for the division, oversees the judging of panel submissions, and, with the aid of the chair of the research committee, arranges panels and competitive papers into sessions that are submitted to the NCA program planners for consideration. The responsibilities involved in this position are heaviest immediately after the convention, in February and March when division members submit papers and proposals, and during the convention itself when planning meetings occur.

The secretary assumes responsibility for creating and maintaining a record of communication and events at the business meeting during our annual convention. The secretary's position spans two years. The first year the secretary takes notes during the meeting, following the format set in previous years. Election results will occur simultaneously during regular business. Those notes should be organized and put into a word process file as soon as possible after the meeting and distributed to the vice chair and secretary for review. After any corrections, a permanent version of the notes can be sent to other officers and printed for inclusion in the archive. The second year the secretary is responsible for distributing the notes to meeting attendees and presenting the notes formally at the beginning of the business meeting.

Research Committee:
The person who is elected as a member of the Research Committee will stay on the committee for three years. The first year as a member of the Research Committee, the second year as the Chair-Elect, and the third as the Chair of the Research Committee. The responsibilities of the first two years on the Committee are mainly to assist the work of the Chair, and to be determined by the Chair. The third year as the Chair of the Committee, the person will coordinate convention paper reviews for the Division, and program competitive paper sessions based on the results of the reviews.

Nominations Committee: (5 people elected, including Chair)
The Chair of the Nominating Committee solicits self and other nominations for various MCD positions from members of the Mass Communication Division and from members of the Nominating Committee. It is wise to solicit and receive such nominations by the end of the summer prior to the NCA annual meeting. In consultation with members of the Nominating Committee, the Chair seeks and receives input about the nominees and finalizes a slate of
candidates for each position. With the assistance of Committee members, the Nominating Committee Chair conducts the elections during the Mass Communication Division's Business Meeting at the NCA Annual Convention.

Publications Committee:
The job of the Publicity officer is to serve as a conduit of information among NCA Mass Communication Division members and does the following three things: 1) Maintain the email list by updating it periodically (i.e., there is constant churn in the list as new members join, some addresses change, and others drop out, etc.), 2) Writing and dispersing one post-convention and one pre-convention newsletter, and 3) Writing and dispersing via e-mail four e-newsletters (e.g., in March, May, October, November). Maintaining a e-mailing list can be time consuming, as can editing and producing newsletters. But, the position is enjoyable and is an important professional service. Many members of the Mass Communication Division rely heavily on the newsletter, especially the electronic newsletter, for relevant information about research, career, and the profession.

Web Wizard:
The individual in this position maintains the web site for the division, updating the site with newsletters, names and officers, and contact information. At present, the person who occupies this position is responsible for housing the web site on a server at his/her university.

Graduate Student Representative:
This person serves as a "voice" representing graduate student interests in the division, relaying issues of interest and concern to officers within the division.

Representative to NCA Resolutions Committee:

This person represents the Mass Comm Division at NCA executive meetings if any resolutions are presented to the association.



Call for Papers–NCA 2003


The Division invites competitive papers and thematic panel proposals for program sessions addressing theory, research, or methodological issues in mass communication.


Send Completed Paper Submissions to:


Douglas Ferguson, College of Charleston, Department of Communication, 5 College Way
Charleston, SC  29401; 843 953-7854 (o);


Copies: 5


Submission method: Traditional


Deadline: February 1, 2003


Specify student papers: yes


Specify debut papers: no


Maximum length: 25 pages (excluding tables and references)


The Division Research Committee will evaluate papers anonymously and those selected will be critiqued by a respondent.  Paper length is limited to 25 pages excluding tables and references, double-spaced. Longer papers will not be considered. Paper submissions must include the following: (1) a title page showing author(s) name(s), complete mailing address, telephone number, email address, and any A/V requirements; (2) a separate 100-150 word abstract. Student papers (whose author(s) must all be students) should be prominently marked “Student” on the title page, the abstract page, and the first page of the text. Please note that identifying information should be included only on the title page. Fax and email submissions cannot be accepted.  A/V requests must be made at the time of submission; we regret that late requests cannot be accommodated. 


Send Thematic Panel Submissions to:


James R. Walker, Department of Communication, Saint Xavier University, 3700 W. 103rd St., Chicago, IL, 60655, 773-298-3370 (o);


Copies: 5


Deadline: February 1, 2003


Specify student papers: yes


Specify debut papers: no


Proposals for thematic panels must include the following: (1) a title page showing the name, address, telephone number and email address for the chair/respondent, and all panel participants, and any A/V requirements; (2) brief abstract of the proposed program; (3) a brief agreement to attend. Fax and email submissions cannot be accepted.  A/V requests must be made at the time of submission; we regret that late requests cannot be accommodated. 



NCA's Mass Communication Division Invites Nominations for

Teaching and Service Awards


The MCD Teaching Award is designed to recognize excellence in teaching, using the term "teacher" in a broad sense. In order to be considered, the nominee must be a member of NCA and MCD, have taught for over ten years, and have been recognized for their teaching excellence by their department, unit, college/university, or other group or association. This includes, but is not limited to, awards, merit evaluations, student recognition, etc. Self-nomination is encouraged in addition to nominations by others. The nomination packet may not exceed 25 pages and should include (1) a single, detailed letter of nomination addressing the qualifications of the nominee; (2) the teacher's curriculum vitae; (3) three letters of recommendation; and (4) representative publications or presentations dealing with teaching and/or curriculum, course outlines/syllabuses, innovative teaching ideas or tools, teaching evaluations and citations, evidence of mentoring and/or advising, or other forms of recognition pertaining to the nominee.


The MCD Service Award is designed to recognize exemplary service in the field. In order to be considered, the nominee must be a member of NCA and MCD, have served the NCA and MCD in a number of capacities, and have evidence of exemplary service to several of the following: NCA, MCD, the profession, the community, the department, the college or university. The nomination packet may not exceed 25 pages and should include (1) a single detailed letter of nomination addressing the qualifications of the nominee; (2) a curriculum vitae; (3) three letters of recommendation; and (4) evidence of service.


Send five copies of the packet to James R. Walker, Department of Communication, Saint Xavier University, 3700 West 103rd Street, Chicago, IL 60655. Faxed or electronic submissions will not be accepted.


Nominations should be received by May 15, 2003. Over the summer, an award committee will discuss the nominations. The award committee will consist of the immediate past chair, chair, vice-chair, vice-chair elect and secretary of the MCD. The final decision will be made by August 15. The award recipient will be contacted and asked to attend the MCD Business Meeting during the NCA annual convention to receive the award. The MCD reserves the right to not give any awards.



News of Members


Chrys Egan has recently joined the Communication faculty at Salisbury University as an Assistant Professor.  She has also completed four auxiliary books, which will be published in this fall.  They include the following: (1) Instructor's Manual for Communication Research by Stacks and Hocking (Longman/Allyn & Bacon); (2) Student Workbook for The St. Martin's Guide to Public Speaking by Tuman and Fraleigh (Bedford/St. Martin's); (3) Instructor's Manual for The St. Martin's Guide; and (4) Test Bank for The St. Martin's Guide.



University Worksite Organ Donation Promotion Project

Submitted by Tom Reichert, Co-Investigator, University of Alabama


A 3-year $1,467,771 grant was recently awarded by the Division of Transplantation, an agency that is part of the US Department of Health and Human Services. The University Worksite Organ Donation Promotion Project involves six universities and is grounded in a theory based on the Theory of Reasoned Action. One level of the campaign will use only traditional mass media (University of Alabama/University of Arizona), while the second level will enhance the mass media messages with an interpersonal campaign.


The Principal Investigator is Susan Morgan of the Department of Communication at Rutgers University. The co-investigators on this project are Mike Stephenson (Texas A&M), Tom Reichert (University of Alabama), Eusebio Alvaro (University of Arizona), Walid Afifi (Penn State University), and Shawn Long (University of North Carolina Charlotte).



Dane S. Claussen, Associate Professor and Associate Director of the Graduate Program in Journalism and Mass Communication at Point Park College, has recently published three books.  They include Sex, Religion, Media (Rowman and Littlefield Publishing, Inc.), Anti-intellectualism in the American Media: Magazines and Higher Education (Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.), and Managing for Excellence at Community Newspapers (Iowa State Press).  He is currently working on a new book that focuses on newspaper marketing, promotions, and public relations practices from 1920 to 1970. 



Call for papers

EME: Explorations in Media Ecology


Explorations in Media Ecology, the journal of the Media Ecology Association, is dedicated to extending our understanding of media and media environments. EME publishes articles, essays, research reports, reviews, and proves that advance and contribute to the media ecology perspective. In addition to the study of the media as they are traditionally understood, media ecology is concerned with the examination of communication, language, symbolic form and signification, technology and technique, information, systems, and both humanly modified and natural environments.


EME welcomes diverse theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of media environments, including (but not limited to) philosophical, aesthetic, literary, historical, psychological, sociological, anthropological, political, economic, and scientific investigations, as well as applied, professional and pedagogical perspectives. In addition to scholarly articles, EME also publishes essays, commentary, and critical examinations relevant to media ecology as a field of study and practice. Above all the journal is committed to publishing articles of the highest intellectual quality for a global readership.


Submission of manuscripts: Four copies of the submitted manuscript should be sent to either of the co-editors: Judith Yaross Lee, School of Interpersonal Communication, Lasher Hall, Ohio University, Athens, OH 45701 (, or Lance Strate, Department of Communication and Media Studies, Fordham University, Bronx, NY 10458 ( Authors should retain their original manuscripts, as submissions will not be returned. All submissions should be the author’s original work, previously unpublished, and not under consideration by another publisher. Manuscripts must conform to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed., 2001) or the MLA Style Manual (2nd ed., 1998). Authors of accepted manuscripts must provide a final version in both paper and electronic formats. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reprint copyrighted material such as images, tables, figures, and quotations exceeding fair use.


To facilitate blind review, the first page of the manuscript should include only the article title and an abstract of no more than 100 words. A separate, detachable cover page should be provided that includes the title of the article, the complete name of each author as it is to appear in the journal; the current and complete mailing address, telephone, fax, and e-mail address of the author.


EME welcomes submissions focusing on teaching strategies and resources, pedagogical concerns, and issues relating to media ecology education. Such submissions should be sent to EME Teaching and Education Editor Sal Fallica, Department of Culture and Communication, New York University, 239 Greene ST., Suite 735, New York, NY 10003 (


EME publishes reviews of books and other materials of interest to EME’s readers. Potential reviewers should contact EME Review Editor Thom Gencarelli, Department of Broadcasting, Montclair State University, Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 (


Submission of materials for review: Those seeking a review of books and other materials of interest to EME’s readers – such as audio and video recordings, computer software, and so on – should send copies of all materials, and/or all correspondence to EME Review Editor Thom Gencarelli, Department of Broadcasting, Montclair State University, Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 ( Publishers will receive two copies of the review after it is published. EME may be unable to review all materials submitted.


****************************************************************************** Job Posting

Department of Communication, University of Delaware


Communication: The University of Delaware is seeking an Assistant Professor in mass communication.  Tenure track position to begin September 2003.  Qualifications include completed doctorate, strong training and background in quantitative research methods,

social/behavioral science orientation, and evidence of the ability to develop programmatic line of scholarly research.  Ability to teach courses in advertising is desirable.  Salary is negotiable and

competitive.  Deadline, November 1, 2002.  Send curriculum vita and letter of application to Nancy Signorielli, Chair, Search Committee, Department of Communication, 250 Pearson Hall, Newark, DE 19716 (e-mail:  Applicants should forward credentials and a minimum of three letters of recommendation to the Department. The University of

Delaware is an Equal Opportunity Employer, which encourages applications from minority groups and women.



Job Posting

Department of Communication and Journalism

University of New Mexico


The Department of Communication and Journalism at the University of New Mexico invites applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor.  Minimum Qualifications:  Ph.D. or ABD at appointment of start date.  A Master's degree coupled with substantial professional experience [minimum 8 years] will also be considered).  Preference will be given to applicants with the following qualifications:  (1) ability to teach beginning and advanced courses in the area of print journalism; (2) ability to conduct research and publish in scholarly and/or professional journals; (6) ability and desire to mentor students in a variety of writing contexts; (4) interest and experience related to new communication technologies; (5) professional experience; (6) participation in professional communication associations.


A complete application consists of: (1) a signed letter of interest identifying areas of expertise, research interests, and teaching experience; (2) an academic resume, including e-mail address; (3) samples of scholarly and/or professional/creative work; (4) evidence of teaching effectiveness; and (5) three letters from academic and/or professional references.


Send applications to Bob Gassaway, Search Committee Chair, Department of Communication and Journalism, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-1171; Fax (505) 277-4206. Applications must be received by November 11, 2002. Please visit our Departmental Web Site:


The University of New Mexico is an EEO/AA employer and educator.



Mass Communication Division Website


Jeff Shires writes to remind members of the MCD website.  It is in need of links, bibliographies, papers, research announcements, job announcements, and other helpful material.  Send to Jeff at 


The Website Address:



Don’t Forget!  Deadline for Next Newsletter…


Please send news of interest and importance to MCD members to Publications Editor, Glenda Balas, University of New Mexico (  Deadline for the pre-conference newsletter is October 12, 2002.